Set of 25 stamps in a superb minisheet. All the stamps have a face value of 32 cent
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This is the only way to enjoy this wonderful set!!
First row, from left to right:
Chaetodon bennetti - Bennett's Butterflyfish
Pygoplites diacanthus - Regal Angelfish
Balistapus undulatus - Orangestriped Triggerfish
Echidna zebra - Zebra Moray
Sphyraena barracuda - Great Barracuda
Second row:
Chlorurus bleekeri - Bleeker's Parrotfish
Synchiropus splendidus - Mandarinfish
Acanthurus lineatus - Bluebanded Surgeonfish
Myripristis melanostictus - Bigscale Soldierfish
Cephalopholis argus - Peacock Grouper
Third row:
Rhinecanthus aculeatus - Picassofish
Naso lituratus - Orangespine Unicornfish
Acanthurus achilles - Achille's Tang
Cephalopholis miniata - Coral Grouper
Paracanthurus hepatus - Regal Tang
Fourth row:
Plectorhinchus vittatus - Oriental Sweetlips
Siganus volpinus - Foxface Rabbittfish
Chaetodon ephippium - Saddled Butterflyfish
Zanclus cornutus - Moorish Idol
Pseudanthias pleurotaenia - Square-Spot Fairy Basslet
Fifth row:
Centropyge loricula - Flame Angelfish
Thunnus albacares - Yellow-fin Tuna
Katsuwonus pelamis - Skipjack Tuna
Litjanus kasmira - Bluelined Snapper
Cephalopholis sexmaculata - Cave Grouper
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